As we carefully removed our treasured Christmas ornaments from their protective wrapping last month, I noticed for the first time that Greg's handwriting on the back of some was starting to fade. Making a mental note to figure out a way to preserve his iconic penmanship before packing them away again, we continued to decorate.
Whether it's his handwriting or the sound of his laugh, the truth is that parts of Greg are fading. Time takes its toll on memory just as it does on sharpie scribbled on porcelain. There are things I can't remember without Greg and inside jokes that are now lost, never to be spoken again. Just 3 years after his death I'm startled to realize how much life has already moved on without him. I can't imagine what it will be like in 30.
That's the cruelty of death- it is so permanent. Greg is gone from this life, forever. Oh yes, I'll see him again one day when I'm with the Lord but what does that give me today? Hope for the future and an empty space in the bed beside me.
Greg will not be forgotten - he is a part of me and our son- but some things are fading indeed.
So I fight the fade where I can. I Mod Podge'd over his handwriting before putting the ornaments away.
Fading halted - for now.
